Dear Students, Staff and Parents,

Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, efficient and supportive management, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations. The giant step forward for every child is the first step into a school.

St. Columban's Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School, established in 1842, realize, students are not only to pursue academic excellence, our responsibility is also to nurture the students; help them to discover the world of books and richness of knowledge; making students understand problems and the challenges that need to be faced courageously with conviction. To enrich students with a sense of high morality and social responsibility.

Our dynamic and dedicated teachers enhance their professional competency in developing capable students resulting in quality education of our school.

Children need a consistent and supportive environment at home as well, to set goals within their reach until they gain confidence and self-determination. Parents play a vital role in moulding the future of their children. I pay my gratitude to every parent for their faith in us.

Together the vision, mission and values represent our collective passion, dreams and aspiration that makes us work in unison to recognise the thorough potentials of our children.

We nurture our children to think, and to put their thoughts into action, empowering and enabling them to be stronger and to strive for excellence with confidence .

I conclude with the quotes of Nelson Mandela "Education is the important weapon which we can use to change the world".

With warm wishes.
God Bless!
Sr. Amala Jothi